Thursday, July 24, 2008

Going to Silver Lake With my Cousins!

All doing our muscle look for the camera

I see you!

Silly Kids!


Ok we were trying really hard to take a cool pic of those two jumping off the rock. it wasnt working so well...

So aunt Ruth decided to join in!

And man did she do a good job!

We were all hot and wanted so bad to jump in the water!

It was so pretty!

All eating Lunch

Andrew and Kyle

My Nana!


Anna Banana!

Going to the Lake

There were cotton trees and the cotton was everywhere!

We were all excited to go in the lake

It was so pretty

hehe just driving there!

7 PeAkS with SaRaH

ok so this week sarah came up to Utah and we hung out at 7 peaks! It was so fun! We met a lot of hotties! And I hope they got to my house! Woooo! Im going to miss Sarah so much!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just being Girls!

These past 2 weeks i came back down to Arizona to go to Girls camp with my old ward! I also came to visit all my friends and family again! It has been so fun! And i cant wait to come again! I wish My couisn Brittnay could come and just live with me in Utah! We had so much fun! I odnt know what Im going to do when I get back to Utah.

We just love taking pictures! Here are some that we love!

Blue of Steel baby!

umm i dont know what that is...


We put on Funky lipstick!

haha ok long story about this picture! One day we were in the bathroom and Im like lets try to look like some kind of animals! And so we were doing all sorts of faces and this one I did. Its called the frog! hah i know it doesnt even look close to a frog! but hey, I tried! So now it is all a joke!

Being Just Girls!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This was the day before we went to EFY! We had a blast taking pitures here! We love the railroads!! Woot Woot! hah!


The man I met at EFY on the first day! Out of the whole group he was the cutest one! I was pretty mad because I dont think he is way HOT! Just ok! hah anyway my cousin and I am my friend Brittnay T. were all fighting over him! haha then we found out he didnt like us but he thought of us like friends! We were ok with that!

Yeah never try thid in the sun and with 9 people! It never works!

The girls I sat by at lunch. Well there was a lot more but these are some of them!

My two best friends! hah


Trying to be sexy! We are good huh!

PIZZA!! It was so FUn! By the end of the night I dont think I could have eaten any more!

My Best friend! Laughing away! heh

ummm i dont know what happened to the smile! I look like Im starring at something gross! hehe

oh its just my best friend Adam from EFy

My leaders! They were so cool! they let us do whatever we wanted! My leader that was in charge of me was the one on the very right! Her name is Lori!

Ahhh! My favorite Group! These boys were in my Company! But my favorite Group!

Adam, Tori, Preston, and I! We were all really good friends!


hehe all the boys! Dont you just Love Em'